Heroes' Journey
A Klance Superhero Zine
All proceeds will be donated to Panthera a charity group devoted exclusively to the conservation of the world’s 40 wild cat species and their ecosystems.
What is a zine?A zine is a non-official publication of collected illustrations and written work. Zines can be physically printed or be offered as a digital PDF, and either be produced by an individual or done as a collaborative project.What is this zine about?This zine focuses on Keith and Lance as superheroes! Depending on the results of the interest check, this will either be a collection of comic style illustrations with written stories, or a more traditional zine theme. There will be a idea claims period so we can ensure there is a variety representedZine rating and content?This zine is rated PG-13. This means that all content will be SFW. Due to our theme, there can be mild gore, a little swearing, canon typical violence, and angst allowed so long as it has a happy ending.Charity or profit?This is a charity zine, which means that all of our proceeds will go towards supporting our charity of choice, Panthera. Any monetary donation will only be made if we meet production costs and can compensate contributors with a physical copy of the zine.Printed or PDF?This will be an A5 size zine. Whether it will be physical or remain as pdf, will depend on the results of our interest check.Schedule?The interest check will run from April 10th - April 24th. A more detailed schedule will be finalized and posted once we have the interest check results.Compensation?Contributors are guaranteed a PDF version of the zine. Anything beyond that, including a physical copy of the zine will depend on the result of the interest check, and total sales.
What do I create?
Pieces must include the following two themes:
Theme 1: Klance
The focus needs to be on their relationship.
Other characters may appear but only shown as platonic.
Theme 2: Superheroes
Pieces must include the portrayal of Klance as superheroes in some way.
Whether this is having both as superheroes, or creators can choose to focus on a hero/villain dynamic. We just ask that portrayals show an equal relationship and include a happy ending.
Portrayals can be canon, au, or basically anything that creators can think of as long as it fits the theme.
Make sure your piece focuses on your claim assignment. Please don’t start on pieces until we have approved ideas. Your piece should fit the technical and thematic requirements for your role.How will artist/writer matching work?
Writers will be among the first to join the server and use this time to solidify their ideas and begin working on the rough drafts of their fics. Once artist applications open, a list of the approved ideas will be included on the form, and artists will have to select their top three choices. No identifying information will be provided, and selections will purely be based on what ideas seem the most interesting.
After artists join the server, the mod team will use these selections to officially match artist/writer pairs. Pairs will have to work together on discussing the scenes to portray, whether this is a direct recreation, or inspired by; that is up to the individual teams to discuss.
If there are any issues between collab partners, we highly encourage individuals to speak to the mod team, so we can work on resolving the problems.Naming Files
Label your pieces (including check-ins) so we can easily recognize who they belong to. This format is generally the easiest one, especially for contributors participating in multiple zines:
‘Name You Would Like To Be Credited By’ Piece for Heroes Journey
Example: Silvermoon’s Piece for Heroes Journey Check-in 1Sharing & Posting
Do not post excerpts, previews, or full pieces anywhere outside of this server.
We will have designated periods and formats for how pieces can be displayed, and will inform contributors when completed works may be posted.
If you're found to have posted your full-zine piece, previews/excerpts, and/or selling it before the Mods announce you may do so, you will either be dropped from the project or you will not receive compensation.
This rule does not apply to writers who wish to have their personal beta review their piece.Writers
Word Count: 2,000 - 2,500 words
Keep spacing to a minimum. Bigger blocks of text are preferred for formatting as opposed to many single lines. However, if you’re closer to 2,000 words, there will be more room for extra spacing. Please be aware that pieces might be adjusted to fit the pages in the zine.
Pieces must be betaed. Mod Erika will be providing this by default, but you can use your own personal beta as well.
Pieces must be submitted in a google doc with the editing function enabled.Artists
Total canvas size: 154 x 216 mm / 1819 x 2551 pixels, 300pdi (bleeds are included)
Color mode: CMYK
Canvas orientation: Vertical
You will need to create a 3 page comic panel piece to your regular standards, vertical, fully colored, including a background, and including 1/8' bleed (the area that will get cut out during printing processes) on each side.
A template for this will be provided.
Typesetting should be saved on a separate layer with editing preserved. If you need assistance, a member of the mod team can provide typesetting services.
Important note: We can convert your image from RGB to CMYK for you, but please note that CMYK uses far less colors than RGB, so if you use a lot of blues or neons they will likely appear duller. If you can draw in CMYK, please do so.
Merch Artists
Assignments are based upon what you were given in the acceptance email.
Templates will be provided in the server.
Please note: For print, you need to make your files CMYK. For digital items, they can be RGB.
Application RequirementsWriters
Will be required to submit 2-3 samples around 2.5k words each.
Pieces can include excerpts, but at least one piece should be complete. We recommend that at least one sample include Klance so we can see how you characterize them.
No NSFW - Having nsfw in your portfolio is fine, but do not include in samples.
Please make sure we have permission to view all sample links.Artists
Will need to submit 3-4 samples, at least one must include a background. Preferable at least one sample should be of Keith and/or Lance, but this isn't a requirement.Merch Artists
Will need to submit 3-4 samples, preferably at least one should be of Keith and/or Lance. Previous merch experience is not required.
Below is the tentative schedule. Dates are subject to change. If there are any major delays, all of our socials will be updated.May 8th - May 29th - Writer apps
May 30th - June 4th - Judging writers
June 5th - June 6th - Emails sent
June 6th - June 11th - Writers join server
June 12-June 13th - Idea claims approved
June 26th - July 3rd - Writer first check-in
June 12th - July 3rd Artist apps
July 4th - July 9th - Judging Artists
July 10 - July 11th - Emails sent
July 11th - July 16th - Artists join
July 17th - July 18th - Match artists with writers
July 17th - July 24th - Writer 2nd check-in
August 7th - August 14th - Artist first check-in
August 21st - August 28th -Writer 3rd check in
September 18th - September 25th - Artist 2nd check-in
October 2nd - October 9th - Writer Final
October 30th - November 6th - Artist 3rd check
December 11th - December 18th Artist Final
December 25th - January 22nd 2022 - PDF bonus content deadline. Hard deadline for zine content
February 5th - March 5th 2022 - Preorders